MOT Coach

Do you have what it takes to be a MOT Coach?

What is a MOT Coach?

A MOT Coach is a teacher/lecturer/volunteer at the school or college facilitating the MOT Programme to the youth within the classroom.

Being trained to become a MOT Coach requires you to be Passionate, Youthful, Innovative and Sincere (P-YIS) and to have the motivation to develop robust youth who include all. 

MOT Coach

How to become a MOT Coach

If you would like to become a MOT Coach or be a part of the MOT Coaches’ Basic Education click the button "Go to the Form" below and complete the form.

We will then contact you for further information and an interview.

For any other questions, please refer them to and
MOT Coach

What's included in the MOT Coaches' Basic Education training?

Typically, this training spans 2 or 3 days and gears you up for leading MOT sessions with the young individuals in your class.

Training Content

The content is comprehensive, covering various aspects such as:

  • MOT Philosophy, values, and principles
  • MOT Methodology and Tools
  • MOT Programs
  • Facilitation techniques
  • Implementation Guidelines

Executing MOT sessions effectively is key to achieving your desired outcomes (read benefits of MOT). It's worth emphasizing that the support and commitment from the school's Principal and Educators are vital for the programmes success.