MOT Introducing NCV Group to MOT Programmes

mot gives orientation to college of cape town ncv students

This month, the College of Cape Town, Crawford, extended an invitation to the MOT SA Team to introduce their National Certificate Vocational (NCV) group to the MOT Programmes during their orientation programme.

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The focus of the sessions was on acquainting the NCV group with the core values of MOT – Courage to Live, Courage to Care, and Courage to Say No. Students were encouraged to delve into the personal significance of these values and understand how they can play a pivotal role in their academic and personal journeys. Students enthusiastically participated, providing valuable insights into their understanding of courage.

Empowering Future Leaders

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The partnership between the College of Cape Town and MOT SA has set the stage for a transformative journey for the NCV group and other learners who are a part of the MOT Programmes. As the students eagerly embark on their academic endeavours, we anticipate the positive impact that the MOT Programme will have on their personal and leadership development. The forthcoming MOT sessions, guided by dedicated MOT coaches at the campus, hold the promise of providing the students with valuable tools and insights that will contribute to their growth, resilience, and the emergence of empowered individuals ready to make a meaningful impact on their communities and beyond.

MOT College of cape town orientation wced

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