MOT SA’s Hello Campaign Highlights

Hello campaign highlights

We can’t help but feel immense gratitude for the meaningful impact that the MOT Hello Campaign has had on youth across South Africa. The campaign ran from 19 February to 25 March, to encourage authentic connections through saying Hello! and connecting genuinely with others. Here are a few highlights from our sites of the campaign:

Amy Foundation: Hello Bingo!

Amy Foundation introduced an innovative activity called Bingo Conversations. Each learner received a bingo card and was tasked with initiating conversations with peers they might not interact with regularly.

Amy Foundation celebrating Hello Campaign through Hello Bingo

Upon completing a conversation, they obtained signatures on their card and jotted down their reflections, fostering genuine exchanges and connections. What a great and innovative way to start conversations!

Read the testimonial from Amy Foundation on the positive impact here

Fairmount Secondary School

Fairmount launched the Hello Campaign at their school by recording their teachers and learners saying ‘Hello’ in spontaneous video clips which they later shared in the school assembly and social media.

Courage to Care and the Courage to Say No to Bullying

They linked the campaign with an anti-bullying initiative, promoting the Courage to Care and the Courage to Say No to Bullying. The assembly featured poems on bullying awareness and the importance of including all through the Hello Campaign.

Fairmount Hello Campaign and GBV

With the aim to spread more positivity, they distributed lollipops with the Hello Campaign logo to both matriculants and teachers, aiming to brighten their day with a simple gesture.

Fairmount and MOT at Voice of the Cape
From Left: Ayyoob Allies, Imaan Ismael, Viola Manuel, Terence Klassen

Imaan Ismael, MOT Youth, and Mr. Terence Klassen, MOT Coach, also represented Fairmount in the radio interview series we’ve had at Voice of the Cape. In the interviews, they shared about the impact of the Hello Campaign at their school.

Zeekoevlei High School

Zeekoevlei Hello Campaign

MOT Youth from Zeekoevlei Secondary School, Ziara, and Ruth, shared their reflections on the Hello Campaign’s impact. Through their perspective, we learn about the ripple effect a simple ‘Hello’ can create, – creating genuine connections and showing the courage to care, making a world of difference.

Gardens Commercial High School

Voice of the Cape - Gardens Commercial High School

Our MOT Youth from Gardens Commercial High School, Jehan Abrahams, and Kino Moni participated in the four-week radio interview series at Voice of the Cape and reflected on the impact of the Hello Campaign on their school’s culture. The MOT Youth and MOT Coaches also created and shared a beautiful and uplifting video.

College of Cape Town

It’s been truly exciting to witness the impact firsthand at our MOT SA Offices, which is based at the College of Cape Town, Crawford Campus. We’ve received several visits from students at the campus, expressing their eagerness to join MOT as volunteers or simply to pop in and say hi. It’s incredibly heartwarming to see this level of enthusiasm!

What’s even more delightful is the fact that whenever the MOT Staff are on a break outside of the offices, we’re met with enthusiastic Hello’s from the students!

Here’s a short but enthusiastic Hello! from the MOT Staff, MOT Youth, and MOT Coach:

It’s moments like these that truly highlight the power of genuine connection and the positive ripple effects of initiatives like the Hello Campaign.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to Voice of the Cape for providing us with the opportunity to participate in a four-week radio series. It was truly invaluable to have a platform where we could bring our direct beneficiaries – our MOT Youth and MOT Coaches – to share about the positive impact of the MOT Hello Campaign. Being on your show is always a pleasure, and we appreciate the chance to boost the voices and experiences of our MOT community. Thank you for your continued support and collaboration in spreading MOT’s message of courage and resilience!

As we wrap up the Hello Campaign, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all participants, MOT Coaches, Youth, Coordinators, Educators, and Enthusiasts’ who contributed to its success. Your dedication has made an incredible difference. Thank You! Let’s carry forward the spirit of connection and positivity as we continue our journey of empowering youth and creating a warmer and safer society.

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