Celebrating Courage to Care Day in Burgersdorp

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On 11 August 2023, something special took place in Burgersdorp, Eastern Cape – the first-ever Courage to Care Day Celebration. The celebration marked a significant milestone in the community, bringing together young minds from our partnering schools – Mzimkhulu Primary School, Ethembeni Secondary School, Eureka Primary School, and Burgersdorp High School – to share their inspiring perspectives on Courage to Care and the impact of MOT in their lives.

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Understanding Courage to Care

For these bright young learners, Courage to Care goes beyond just lending a helping hand. It’s about offering emotional support to those in need, showing kindness, and being there for others, regardless of their background. This celebration highlighted the importance of looking out for one another and emphasized the value of self-love and belief in oneself.

Insight from the Learners

Youth sharing their perspectives Burgersdorp Eastern Cape

The MOT Youth from Eureka Primary School spoke about the significance of emotional strength, reminding us that true caring involves understanding, respect and compassion. They expressed gratitude for the lessons MOT Sessions has empowered them with, encouraging a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

The learners from Ethembeni Secondary School illustrated the struggles individuals face when being bullied through an inspiring role play. Their play spoke about the importance of having the courage to care, as we might not always know the baggage someone is carrying with them or their background. The message was clear: caring means standing up against injustice and supporting those who are left out.

From Mzimkhulu Primary School, the learners mentioned that caring for others not only improves relationships but also works as a powerful tool against discrimination. Their perspective centred on love, respect, and including others being left out, highlighting how these values can unite all people, no matter their backgrounds.

The students from Burgersdorp High School emphasized the importance of caring by these powerful words: “caring is sharing and sharing is caring”. They encouraged the audience saying that it’s important to show respect and love to everyone, spreading kindness to classmates, neighbors, and all members of their community. Their words reminded us that caring isn’t limited to words but also through actions.

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Beyond these insights, other students also shared their unique viewpoints on what courage and care mean to them:

  • One student highlighted that courage is having the commitment to step in when someone is in need, even if it’s uncomfortable.
  • Another student described courage as not giving up, an important trait when facing challenges.
  • Some students connected courage to caring for themselves and their education, promoting personal growth.
  • Many students stressed the significance of helping those who are bullied, underlining that courage means standing against cruelty, violence and abuse.
  • Several students emphasized that the importance of showing genuine care and authentic concern for others.
  • Another valuable insight was that caring involves setting aside personal feelings to protect each other from harm.

MOT’s Remarkable Impact

Burgesdorp MOT SA Eastern Cape

This celebration highlighted the incredible impact of just one MOT session on these young minds. It’s inspiring to think about the positive transformation that will unfold as they engage in more sessions. Imagine a world where these principles of courage, care, and inclusivity are embraced universally.

A heartfelt shout-out to our dedicated MOT Coaches and Coordinator, Sane who made this event possible and for empowering these young minds with inspiring MOT Sessions. Their unwavering commitment and passion have truly brought about positive change in these students’ lives.

The insights shared by these young learners remind us that even small acts of caring can create a ripple effect of positive change in our communities and the world at large. Here’s to a warmer and safer society for all!

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