
Read the latest news from MOT South Africa below.

18 new MOT Coaches added to the MOT Family!

On 8 and 9 December 2021, MOT SA held its 2nd MOT Coaches’ Basic Education for the year and welcomed 18 new MOT Coaches to the MOT Family! The 2-day retreat consisted not only of MOT life-skills training but also lots of fun and interactive activities such as group discussions and getting to know one another. […]

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MOT SA Supports 16 Days of Activism

16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children 16 Days of Activism is an international awareness-raising campaign that runs from the 25th of November to 10 December annually for the elimination of violence against gender-based violence against women and children. The United Nations has set this campaign as the International Day of […]

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MOT SA creating positive impact in Northern Cape

On 25 – 26 October, as part of our project with Scatec Solar, we visited Hanover in the Northern Cape and kicked off 2 MOT sessions to 23 young adults all over the Northern Cape as part of the Youth Leadership Training. Our 23 bright youth leaders-in-training came from Hanover, Burgersdorp, Philipstown, and Petrusville.  MOT SA has […]

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Happy Global Dignity Day!

To be able to live each day with honor, respect and dignity is the greatest achievement of all. Roopleen What is Global Dignity Day? Global Dignity Day is an initiative meant for educating and inspiring young people to understand their self-worth. This day recognizes that everyone has a right to a dignified life and that […]

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MOT SA – Mental Health Awareness Month

What is Mental Health? Mental health is the well-being of one’s psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It determines how one relates to others that surround him or her, how one makes decisions and how one handles stress. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Childhood factors can go […]

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Happy World Smile Day!

Phyllis Diller once wrote a quote: “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight”. Imagine receiving good news after a rough and frustrating day, you smile. Imagine someone giving you something as simple as a smile after a rocky day, you smile.  Why? Because smiling is contagious. Smiling changes, one’s mood, and has loads […]

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Believing in yourself – Blog post by Ntombomzi Nazo

As today marks the last day of Women’s Month, we would you to be inspired by the incredibly encouraging and MOTivating words by our very own MOT Coach, Ntombomzi Nazo from Northlink TVET College. May you be inspired and pumped up with Courage! Stand firm, stay positive, dream big, and believe in yourself! – Ntombomzi […]

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Courage to Care Day story written by Jerimedro Jacobs

Hi there! My name is Jerimedro Jacobs and I’m a MOT Alumni and Young MOTivator from West Coast TVET College, Malmesbury Campus. For my Courage to Care Story, I would like to share with you the people I’ve met and what I have experienced while visiting Moss Norway, at Kirkeparken Upper Secondary School as part […]

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Courage to Care Day story written by Marshall Bantom

My name is Marshall Bantom and I am a MOT Alumni. I was trained as a Young MOTivator in 2019. Kindness is not always what we do for others, but it can be as easy as just saying “thank you” or “I’m here when you need to talk about anything” I’ve experienced it first hand. […]

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