Author: Jacqueline Carolus

MOT SA – Mental Health Awareness Month

What is Mental Health? Mental health is the well-being of one’s psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It determines how one relates to others that surround him or her, how one makes decisions and how one handles stress. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Childhood factors can go […]

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Happy World Smile Day!

Phyllis Diller once wrote a quote: “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight”. Imagine receiving good news after a rough and frustrating day, you smile. Imagine someone giving you something as simple as a smile after a rocky day, you smile.  Why? Because smiling is contagious. Smiling changes, one’s mood, and has loads […]

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Believing in yourself – Blog post by Ntombomzi Nazo

As today marks the last day of Women’s Month, we would you to be inspired by the incredibly encouraging and MOTivating words by our very own MOT Coach, Ntombomzi Nazo from Northlink TVET College. May you be inspired and pumped up with Courage! Stand firm, stay positive, dream big, and believe in yourself! – Ntombomzi […]

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Courage to Care Day story written by Jerimedro Jacobs

Hi there! My name is Jerimedro Jacobs and I’m a MOT Alumni and Young MOTivator from West Coast TVET College, Malmesbury Campus. For my Courage to Care Story, I would like to share with you the people I’ve met and what I have experienced while visiting Moss Norway, at Kirkeparken Upper Secondary School as part […]

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Courage to Care Day story written by Marshall Bantom

My name is Marshall Bantom and I am a MOT Alumni. I was trained as a Young MOTivator in 2019. Kindness is not always what we do for others, but it can be as easy as just saying “thank you” or “I’m here when you need to talk about anything” I’ve experienced it first hand. […]

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Courage to Care Day story written by Marlyn-Lee Van Diemen

I can almost remember it like yesterday – the year 2012, my final high school year. I had an assignment for one of my favorite subjects, that required me to have it typed out. The object of the assignment was to assess my computer skills, however, at that time, I did not know how to […]

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Courage to Care Day Story written by Gloria Nkgetheleng Bocheletsana

Dear MOT Family I would like to share a story of how someone showed me the courage to care when I was in need. I have started selling raw unprocessed honey this month, and I needed honey containers. Instead of having my business partner buy them, I decided to go instead, so that I would […]

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Courage to Care Day Story written by Darren Maybe

The following content will be the events that were the highlight of my week. These events were random acts of kindness and showing support to some total stranger or person I know. On August 10th I decided to pack in extra lunch with fruit and water for a homeless gentleman that I greet every day […]

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Courage to Care Day Story written by Darryll Fredericks

Hi MOT Family 😊 I am Darryll and I am a Young MOTivator trained in 2018. My story is about my friend Mitchell Highburg who showed the Courage to Care in my community. Mitchell started a soup kitchen in our community because he saw that there were many people that did not have food for […]

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